Peer-to-peer crowdfunding session in Zagreb


The LearningTogether project was kicked-off in Zagreb, Croatia with a peer-to-peer session hosted by Brodoto. Social Business Club/Hub Styria members visited colleagues and received introduction to crowdfunding and got deeper insights to the Brodoto Crowdfunding Academy.

Branimir Radaković presented the structure and the format of Brodoto Crowdfunding Academy and explained the terminology related to crowdfunding. Many good practice supported by Brodoto was also showcased by videos, campaign photos and other materials. Petra Jurlina talked about the methodology used in the Academy, that was developed during the many years, Brodoto supports social entrepreneurs.

Petra Jurlina, Brodoto
Branimir Radaković, Brodoto

The peer-to-peer session was an interactive knowledge sharing opportunity and synergies with the current programmes of Social Business Hub Styria was also identified and explored. There will be dedicated online sessions as a follow-up of this meeting. This will result in a comprehensive support and training programme adapted to the needs of Social Business Club/Hub Styria and the involved social entrepreneurs, that also involves crowdfunding.

An inspirational social entrepreneur, Domagoj Boljar from MIRET Eco Sneakers shared its experience with crowdfunding and crowdinvestment platforms. He explained the step-by-step process of making a successful campaign, but also gave tips how challenges could be overcome, especially in case of crisis, such as COVID-19.

Domagor Boljar, MIRET

MIRET manufactures natural and ecological sneakers made from 97% natural materials. The shoes are ÖKO-TEX certified. The company’s mission is to create a sustainable alternative of footwear by combining the strongest natural materials and create comfortable sneakers. In this way, the aim is to reach minimal environmental negative impact.

Styrian impact companies have already the possibility to apply for crowdfunding programme supported by Social Business Hub Styria and as part of the LearningTogether project crowdfunding workshop will also be available in the impact incubation programme as from autumn 2023.

We look forward to welcome our colleagues from Croatia in Graz in April and share our knowledge in creating and supporting a community of social entrepreneurs, as well as providing them programmes to start and scale-up their impact business.

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