Impact Lab
- Start:
- End:
- Location
- Unicorn
- Address:
- Schubertstraße 6a, 8010 Graz
- Email:
- events@socialbusinesshub.at
How do I find the best way to solve a societal or ecological problem?
Experimentation, reflection and discussion take place in the Impact Lab. What possible solutions are there, which ones are most likely to be implemented? Ideas are analysed, further developed or even discarded. What is the best choice to make a positive impact? Who benefits from your solution? Can an “impact”-oriented business model be developed that will enable the long-term implementation of the solution idea?
If you are interested, please contact us by February 25 at events@socialbusinesshub.at
Please note: The Impact Lab takes place under the Covid-19 rules valid at the time of the event!
Keine Anmeldung mehr möglich!