Workshop: Digital Marketing Strategies for Social & Green Entrepreneurs (free, hybrid)
UNICORN, workshop room behind Café Famoos (Villa access)In the rapidly changing digital world, social & green entrepreneurs are faced with the challenge of communicating their messages effectively and reaching their target groups. In this workshop, Rudolf Grutschnig, former CIO and digital business consultant, will explain how to optimize digital marketing strategies and position a successful, sustainable company.
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Venture Jour fixe with successful impact entrepreneurs. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs from the Styrian social business community (free, hybrid)
UNICORN, workshop room behind Café Famoos (Villa access)Sonnenschmiede is a leader in the implementation of communal photovoltaic systems on multi-family houses – and is therefore a pioneer of the sustainable energy transition in Austria. At our Venture Jour fixe, founder Johannes Frühmann talks about the magic of a good (founding) team, the challenges of bringing innovation to an old industry and his most important learnings for building a company.
Details zu Venture Jour fixe with successful impact entrepreneurs. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs from the Styrian social business community (free, hybrid)
Venture Jour fixe with successful impact entrepreneurs. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs from the Styrian social business community (free, hybrid)
UNICORN, workshop room behind Café Famoos (Villa access)The Purkarthofer ice cream factory combines ice cream with social business and is holistically regenerative, both at the product and organizational level. As a pioneer, the company wants to tell new narratives, experiment and show how to create change and impact in the craft industry. At this Venture Jour fixe, owner Klaus Purkarthofer explains how to successfully transform a traditional SME and, in the process, create jobs that empower people and protect nature.
Details zu Venture Jour fixe with successful impact entrepreneurs. Learn from experienced entrepreneurs from the Styrian social business community (free, hybrid)
Workshop: Digital Skills for Impact Entrepreneurs (hybrid, free of charge)
UNICORN, workshop room behind Café Famoos (Villa access)The digital world now consists of countless tools that are designed to make our lives easier and make our business opportunities more effective. In practice, however, it is often difficult to choose and nobody wants to spend hours learning about software solutions that they will never use.
In this workshop, you will receive a practical overview of the targeted use of digital instruments and an answer to the question of which tools are really useful in your current company phase!
Details zu Workshop: Digital Skills for Impact Entrepreneurs (hybrid, free of charge)